Watch out for these wearable devices and your phones they're very deceptive and very invasive
Here's the patents on these wearable devices and the nanotechnologies they injected us with and sprayed in the air and put it in our food and water now they're in our bodies
These bio weapons they are calling vaccines are full of graphene quantum dots little bio sensors the size of an atom also hydrogel, that turning your body into a broadcasting system then they have these wearable devices that read everything and here's a video about the Ohio train derailment and how they're using that to implement their wearable devices as a good thing to protect people just slip it in society like no big deal nobody knows about their nanotechnologies that have completely hijacked their bodies and thanks to Google and other invasive companies like your cell phone towers 5G they can now read all your biometrics listen everything you're saying see what you're seeing feel what you're feeling your oxygen count down to the very minute level and every cell of your body and with the 5G produce RNA MRNA DNA by using the quantum dots and the 5G pay attention in the video she tells you straight up they're making us wear these wearable devices now well here's the patents well some of them anyway i don't want to give you all of them at the same time