
I would start off with the chlorine dioxide for a day or two and then start the EDTA cuz it'll break up all the graphene and if there's any toxins in that the chlorine dioxide will neutralize it and then the zeolite will get the metal particles out and then the methylene blue will help with the blood clots and then the fen benzazole Will get the parasites out and the bacteria that they used to grow around the nanotech that they use as a delivery system into the body and also is a great cancer fighter

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by operation save humanity

K2 with D3 isn’t good. K2 thickens the blood. And beings there are issues with micro blood clots, as well as regular blood clots (not talking about the white fiber clots[obstructions]) K1 would be better. It takes calcium out of the blood and puts it in the bones where it belongs.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by operation save humanity

Thank you

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by operation save humanity

Thank you

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The vitamin c works with the zinc to allow it to get past the brain blood barrier and grab the nanotech

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I'm taking 10,000 vit c but thought we were not suppose to take zinc. So everything on here will help us. Thank u so much. I'm e permeating and letting people know on my substack. Your amazing

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Hey thanks!

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This is quite a collection of most useful detox supplements! One million dollar question: what is the protocol? Who can advise you which, what, where? Thank you!

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Which combo? All of them?

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EDTA is an industrial poison which has been created to be used in the textile industry in 1935. It has been deveopped by frdinand Munz (1888-1969) who had patented the product in the US (US2130505A, 20-09-1938 published under US2130505A); approved in 1953.

1) EDTA is synthtised on anindustrial scale acid or poison using 1,2-diaminothane (ethylene diamine); formaldehyde, water and sodium cyanide.

2) EDTA is a peristant organic pollutant (POP): the remaining (not excreted) chemical build up in the body and PRODUCE CELL DEATH!

3) EDTA is NOT an approved pharmaceutical drug!!!

4) EDTA is NOT an antioxia=dant: it is an acidic poison and anoxidant!

5) one of the well documented and widely known side effect (or adverse event) frm EDTA chelation is DEATH according to Mount Sinai!

6) EDTA stop cellular synthesis of calcium.

7) EDTA induces gene mutations and chromosomal breackage (gene toxicity)

8) EDTA is a transfection agent usd=ed with Crisp-r-cas9 to EDIT HUMA GENOM !


10) EDTA is used to reduce graphene to REDUCED GRAPHENE OXYDE (RGO) form

- Graphene oxyde is more toxide than graphene - see the article of Dr. Young "Graphine oxyde the vector for covid-19 democide"

11) EDTA serves as a connecting mediator between NiHCF (graphine Oxide Nano-particles and Nickle) and graphene nanosheets.

12) EDTA is used to stabilize the technology for a more uniform distribution throughout the body !!!


so please DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE for listing EDTA in a "list of the best stuff that is known at this time to detox your body from Graphene quantum dots, hydro gels..." shows you never even google the word ETA: i did it and found countless of scientific articles which are concluding that EDTA is NOT SAE for human consomption and not only that,

BUT it is an enabler for the nanotechnology to "spread evenly in the human body" !!!

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Many thanks🌹

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Thank you, for your tireless work. This is egregious & punishable by law. They don't get to just inject poisons and technologies into people for fun, especially on a global scale.

All of them, try for crimes against humanity on a hlobal scale.

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Your welcome And I can't agree more seems like the world has become a playground for these billionaires with their nanotech and their AIs

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